Nowadays, as people's consumption levels increase, more attention is being paid to the nutrition and health aspects of their diet.
Among these, dairy products have become one of the main sources of nutrition. In the production and processing of dairy products, one crucial step is the separation process. Compared to other separation technologies such as distillation, centrifugation, and chromatography, membrane separation technology has the advantages of low operating temperature, energy-saving, no pollution, and ease of operation and control. It has become one of the important means for material separation.
In the production and processing of dairy products, membrane filtration technology can be divided into four types: RO reverse osmosis, NF nanofiltration, UF ultrafiltration, and MF microfiltration. Among them, nanofiltration membrane technology is widely applied in dairy production technology.
Membrane separation uses the selective permeability differences of the membrane among the components of a mixture and depends on external energy or chemical potential to separate, grade, purify, and enrich two-component or multi-component mixed gases or liquids. Membrane pore sizes in the nanometer range are suitable for separating dissolved components with molecular weights of 200-1000, approximately 1 nm in size. This process is called nanofiltration (NF).
Nanofiltration membrane technology is an environmentally friendly water treatment technology that can, in certain instances, replace traditional high-cost and complex wastewater treatment methods.
Its technical characteristics include the ability to retain organic matter and multivalent ions with molecular weights greater than 100 while allowing small organic molecules and monovalent ions to pass through; it can operate under high temperature, acid, and base conditions and is pollution-resistant; it has low operating pressure, high membrane flux, and low device operating costs; it can be combined with other wastewater treatment processes to further reduce costs and improve treatment effectiveness.
Nanofiltration membranes can separate small organic molecules with molecular weights of several hundred from water, effectively removing color, hardness, and unpleasant odors. They operate at low pressure with high water flux, which is why they can play a significant role in the field of water treatment.
Nanofiltration membrane technology demonstrates many outstanding advantages compared to traditional processes. In terms of energy consumption, nanofiltration membranes consume less energy for dairy product concentration, greatly saving concentration costs for production enterprises. In terms of precision, nanofiltration membrane technology's filtration capability lies between ultrafiltration and reverse osmosis. It can effectively remove impurities like bacteria and suspended solids in dairy products while effectively retaining proteins, fats, vitamins, and other nutrients.
Nanofiltration for dairy product concentration can be achieved at room temperature, avoiding high-temperature heating. Therefore, the process involves no phase changes and low energy consumption, preventing damage to heat-sensitive substances like proteins and some volatile components in dairy products, thus maintaining the activity of nutritional molecules and the taste. While achieving effective concentration of dairy products, nanofiltration also produces no pollutants, ensuring environmental benefits and preventing secondary pollution.
Using nanofiltration membrane technology for concentration, without phase changes and low energy consumption at room temperature, no auxiliary heat sources or vacuum systems are needed, saving space. This effectively avoids the shortcomings of high-temperature concentration, maximally maintaining the molecular activity and the original rich and smooth taste of dairy products. It is widely applied in the dairy production field.