Ceramic membrane technology focuses on ultrafiltration and reverse osmosis systems. Ultrafiltration leverages the pressure difference between the two sides of the membrane, using the ultrafiltration membrane as a medium to achieve solution purification, separation, and concentration. The high-density column type ceramic membrane module from Jiangsu Jiuwu Hi-tech is preferred due to its large filtration area, high flux, diverse operation modes, stable chemical properties, and ease of cleaning and regeneration.
Depending on the quality of the feed water, flexible modes like full flow, dead-end, cross-flow, and concentrate discharge filtration are adopted. Ceramic membrane technology chooses cross-flow filtration and provides detailed design parameters. The chemical cleaning system performs alkali or acid cleaning periodically based on water quality and contaminants.
The reverse osmosis system uses a semi-permeable membrane under high pressure to separate water and ions, achieving purification and concentration. A spiral-wound composite membrane reverse osmosis unit, characterized by its compact structure and large membrane area per unit volume, is used, although it has high pretreatment requirements. The system consists of a booster pump, a security filter, and more. This project involves a two-stage treatment with specific design parameters provided.
When contaminated during operation, chemical cleaning is required, with the formula determined by the contaminants. Auxiliary units for reverse osmosis feed water include adding biocides to prevent biofilm, adding scale inhibitors to prevent scaling, and adding reducing agents to remove residual chlorine, ensuring stable system operation.
In the future, as the high-density ceramic membrane technology continues to optimize and spread, it will play a crucial role in more fields.
In addition to providing efficient and eco-friendly solutions for industrial water treatment, it will also be applied in municipal and mine water treatment. In municipal water treatment, it can improve water purification efficiency and ensure safe drinking water for residents; in mine water treatment, it can achieve efficient wastewater treatment and recycling, supporting green development in the mining industry.
Furthermore, high-density ceramic membrane technology will consolidate Jiuwu's leading position in the membrane separation technology field, set an example for green development in the oil processing industry, and lead the industry towards efficient and eco-friendly solutions.