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Bio- Pharm

Ceramic membrane is widely used in the field of bio-pharm, including antibiotics fermentation broth clarification, organic acid fermentation broth clarification, amino acid fermentaion broth clarification and bio-production clarification. During the production of cephalosporin C (CPC), ceramic membrane filtration system can effectively separate protein, mycelium, and solid particulates and thus reduce the product losses. Both ceramic membrane filtration technology and organic membrane filtration technology are successfully applied to the process of fermentation broth clarification, making it easy and convenient to operate. Ceramic membrane contamination mechanism is more advanced and of high efficiency in the clarification of organic acid fermentation broth. In the clarification of amino acid fermentaion broth, organic membrane separation process system can produce high quality filtrate and effectively separate soluble protein, sugar, peptide, pigment and other impurities. Ceramic membrane is also used in animal blood filtration, cell culture and vaccine. Compared with traditional technologies, ceramic membrane can effectively improve productivity and reduce loses. 

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  • +86-25-58849045
  • +86-25-58749295
  • No. 9 Yuansi Road, Pukou, Nanjing, Jiangsu, China 211808